Goshen Point Diagnostics Lab

Goshen Point Diagnostics Lab


Primary Category: Health

9 hughes Avenue, Alagomeji, Yaba
Yaba, Lagos
Area: Alagomeji

Building Name: Beside Bukka Hut

Head Quarter / Branch : Headquarter
Mo 09:30 a.m Tu 09:30 a.m We 09:30 a.m Th 09:30 a.m Fr 09:30 a.m Sa 09:30 a.m Su 09:30 a.m Click here for a map.
9 hughes Avenue, Alagomeji, Yaba, Yaba, Lagos
Goshen Point Diagnostics Lab https://ngex.com/bd/images/images.jpg

Goshen Point Diagnostic Laboratory is a new laboratory with a new and good innovation in the diagnostic field with ultramodern and advanced equipment used for diagnosis. Goshen Point have come to stay, to work as a team with highly qualified professionals. We will provide our patients with accurate diagnosis and results with zero error and complains which can be reproducible in any part of the world.

Tel : +234-902-939-5487
Website: www.goshenpoint.com

Opening/Closing Hours

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Open 09:30 a.m 09:30 a.m 09:30 a.m 09:30 a.m 09:30 a.m 09:30 a.m 09:30 a.m
Close 05:30 p.m 05:30 p.m 05:30 p.m 05:30 p.m 05:30 p.m 05:30 p.m 05:30 p.m


Goshen Point Diagnostic Laboratory is a new laboratory with a new and good innovation in the diagnostic field with ultramodern and advanced equipment used for diagnosis. Goshen Point have come to stay, to work as a team with highly qualified professionals. We will provide our patients with accurate diagnosis and results with zero error and complains which can be reproducible in any part of the world.

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