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N I G E R I A N    L I F E


Plane A passport and visa, which must be obtained in advance, are required for entry into Nigeria. Foreign nationals cannot legally depart Nigeria unless they can prove, by presenting their entry visas, that they entered Nigeria legally.

Travel    Travelling in/to Nigeria

Taxi Roads in Nigeria are generally in poor condition, causing damage to vehicles and contributing to hazardous traffic conditions.
Permission is required to take photographs of government buildings, airports, bridges or official-looking buildings.

Airline, Bus, Car Rental Schedules  Currency Converter  Maps & Places


Nigerian (Naija) Jokes..........We all know them, the memories, the yabbis, ....

Humour A man was going around 1.00am alone in his car and got to a checkpoint.
The police man stopped him and asked for everything which he gave out. The police had nothing to ask again, in order to charge him, guess what the police man said;
"I charge you for driving alone at this time of the day, if you come get accident now who go go tell your people ?"....I'm not alone... More On Naija Police

More Jokes


These dance patterns (of Masquerade groups of the Okrika/Ikwerre Clan, in the lower Niger Delta area of Rivers State, Nigeria) are well choreographed rhythmic waist movements and leg movements of circlet of locust beans tied round the ankles to supply rhythm according to the dancers movement.... more

Hotels in Nigeria range from one-star to four-star. Quality and comfort vary significantly across classes. Few hotels accept credit cards or foreign currency. Most hotels feature different rates for foreignersList of Hotels
Nigerian Schools and Universites continue to flourish on the Internet and more websites are added daily. Click on the links below to view a listing.


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