Nigeria-related Businesses, Communities & Groups

Acess conitnually updated data via NGEX Platforms or APIs

NgEX Business Database

Large, frequently-updated database on Nigeria-related communities & businesses

Find Businesses, Communities and Groups by location, category, profile, etc.

We capture, clean and enhance data to provide the broadest database on Nigerian Businesses, Organizations and Groups around the world.

Business profiles offer information on businesses, what they do, where they are and how to reach them.

Our databases on Groups and Communities in Nigeria and the Nigerian Diaspora provide information and access to relevant Nigerian groups (professional, cultural, community, religious, sports, gender, etc) that you can engage to serve as influencers for your target audience.

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Nigerian Groups & Communities

Get details of Nigerian Groups and Communities

Find contact information, group size, group activity and other group related information that enable you find and engage groups that meet your target objectives and can be engaged as influencers to promote your products or services.

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NgEX Business Directory

Access Business information in real-time via our Websites, Apps, or APIs

Our intuitive filter and search systems let you drill down and find detailed business information you need.

Our APIs also enable applications provide local search results that are identical to those available on NGEX. You can find and view business information to meet different criteria e.g at street level, in specific buidings or other locations of interest.

Let's help you GROW your Business with Data.