This storyline revolves round a village called Bode Ajuwon. This village is noted for idolatry and rituals. A missionary is sent to the village to give them the Good News but he is kicked out of the village.
He takes abode on a tree at the out-skirts of the village. While asleep, he recieves a complete revelation about the village gods. Here, God proved himself. The king's son, Aremo, is seriously ill and subsequently dies. Rev. James is used of God to bring the Aremo back to life.
Wingoroye, the chief priest rebels against the king as a result of this, thus he wants to kill Rev. James. Wingoroye insists that the gods said James must die. The village is plagued with small pox and other deadly dieseases which left some dead. But God countered by killing Wingoroge and his chiefs. So the gods are dead. Dead forever....