A.S Computer and Tainning centre


Primary Category: Computer & I.T Organisations

Kaltungo, Gombe
Area: Lakoling

Head Quarter / Branch : Headquarter
Click here for a map.
Kalorgu, Kaltungo, Gombe
A.S Computer and Tainning centre https://ngex.com/bd/images/images.jpg

We are an I.T and training center that offers various services. Contact us for I.T firms in Nigeria, technology, computer, laptop, information technology, ICT, virtualization, computer networking, wireless networking, LAN,  network design, network   security, surveillance and security system, intruder detection system, website design, internet marketing, online marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, database, business software and more.

Tel : +234-7032662870
Tel : +234-8165891605
Tel : +234-9053721625
Website: alexadbumai.simplesite.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samson.simonachana


We are an I.T and training center that offers various services. Contact us for I.T firms in Nigeria, technology, computer, laptop, information technology, ICT, virtualization, computer networking, wireless networking, LAN,  network design, network   security, surveillance and security system, intruder detection system, website design, internet marketing, online marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, database, business software and more.

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