Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System

Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System


Primary Category: Banking & Finance Organisations

1230, Ahmadu Bello Way
Victoria Island, Lagos
Area: Bar Beach

Head Quarter / Branch : Headquarter
Branches : Abuja
Mo 08:00 a.m Tu 08:00 a.m We 08:00 a.m Th 08:00 a.m Fr 08:00 a.m Sa Closed Su Closed Click here for a map.
1230, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos
Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System logo5ca15d8196267.png

NIBSS | We offer services in inter-bank payments, settlement mechanisms and electronic payments.  Operates the Nigeria Automated Clearing System (NACS) which facilitates the electronic clearing of cheques and other paper based instruments, electronic funds transfer, Automated Direct Credits and Automated Direct Debits.

Collaborates with all Nigerian Banks, Card schemes, Processors, Payment Terminal Service Providers (PTSPs), Mobile Money Operators (MMO), Telecommunication providers and other Payment Service providers to improve adoption of Electronic Payment in Nigeria.

Owned by all licensed banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

Tel : +234-1-271-6071
Tel : +234-1-271-6074
Tel : +234-1-271-6072
Tel : +234-1-271-6073

Opening/Closing Hours

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Open 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m Closed Closed
Close 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 04:30 p.m 05:00 p.m Closed Closed


NIBSS | We offer services in inter-bank payments, settlement mechanisms and electronic payments.  Operates the Nigeria Automated Clearing System (NACS) which facilitates the electronic clearing of cheques and other paper based instruments, electronic funds transfer, Automated Direct Credits and Automated Direct Debits.

Collaborates with all Nigerian Banks, Card schemes, Processors, Payment Terminal Service Providers (PTSPs), Mobile Money Operators (MMO), Telecommunication providers and other Payment Service providers to improve adoption of Electronic Payment in Nigeria.

Owned by all licensed banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

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