Oxford Financial Trust Group


Primary Category: Banks & Financial Services

20C Akin Ogunlewe Road
Off Ligali Road
Victoria Island, Lagos
Head Quarter / Branch : Headquarter
Mo 08:00 a.m Tu 08:00 a.m We 08:00 a.m Th 08:00 a.m Fr 08:00 a.m Sa Closed Su Closed Click here for a map.
20C Akin Ogunlewe Road, Off Ligali Road Victoria Island, Lagos
Oxford Financial Trust Group https://ngex.com/bd/images/images.jpg

A fast growing financial firm in Nigeria, and a member company of Oxford Holdings. We offer diverse financial services for individuals, intermidiaries, and corporate organizations. We also help them acquire, build, manage and preserve their wealth. As a financial service firm, we have subsidiary companies to help with your specific financial need Our services include; managing assets, bureau de change, bonds and securities foreign exchange mortgage services. and micro-banking.



Tel : +234-913-103-7973
Tel : +234-1-630-9827
Website: oxfordfinancialtrust.com



Email Address:


Opening/Closing Hours

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Open 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m Closed Closed
Close 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m Closed Closed


A fast growing financial firm in Nigeria, and a member company of Oxford Holdings. We offer diverse financial services for individuals, intermidiaries, and corporate organizations. We also help them acquire, build, manage and preserve their wealth. As a financial service firm, we have subsidiary companies to help with your specific financial need Our services include; managing assets, bureau de change, bonds and securities foreign exchange mortgage services. and micro-banking.



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