

Primary Category: Mobile Payments & Payment Processing

136 Lewis Street
4th-8th Floor
Lagos Island, Lagos
Head Quarter / Branch : Headquarter
Mo 08:00 a.m Tu 08:00 a.m We 08:00 a.m Th 08:00 a.m Fr 08:00 a.m Sa Closed Su Closed Click here for a map.
136 Lewis Street, 4th-8th Floor Lagos Island, Lagos
Remita logo5d416a3b614e2.png

Payment solution for businesses and consumers in Africa.  Allows businesses to conveniently receive payments through nine different channels: Remita Mobile App and Website, Internet Banking, Point of Sales (PoS) Terminals, Debit/Credit Cards, Merchant’s Website, Bank Branches, Mobile Wallets and Standing Order/Direct Debit.

Default payment gateway that facilitates the Federal Government of Nigeria's Treasury Single Account (TSA),

Tel : +234-700-787-7678
Tel : +234-1-636-7000

Opening/Closing Hours

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Open 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m 08:00 a.m Closed Closed
Close 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m 05:00 p.m Closed Closed


Payment solution for businesses and consumers in Africa.  Allows businesses to conveniently receive payments through nine different channels: Remita Mobile App and Website, Internet Banking, Point of Sales (PoS) Terminals, Debit/Credit Cards, Merchant’s Website, Bank Branches, Mobile Wallets and Standing Order/Direct Debit.

Default payment gateway that facilitates the Federal Government of Nigeria's Treasury Single Account (TSA),

Nearby Areas / Towns / Cities
